Personal Insights

Discovering the Joys of Life Beyond Work

While my professional life as an author, publisher, and founder of Kash Kids keeps me busy and fulfilled, I also find joy in many other areas of life. Here are some personal anecdotes and insights that reflect my passions and interests outside of my professional endeavors.

Love for Nature and Gardening

Nature has always been a source of inspiration and tranquility for me. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I started growing my own food after hearing about a possible food shortage. I love eating, so I wrote down all the things I like to eat and began to grow them. Watching my plants thrive has been an amazing experience. My friends encouraged me to start Diva Farmer LLC to help others and distribute food boxes, but it became a bit too overwhelming for me. The website is still up at, but if I were you, I wouldn’t order a box because you might not get it!

Exercise and Wellness

Staying active is a priority for me, although my flat feet won’t let me be great at running. I enjoy stretching, hanging upside down, biking, swimming, and dancing. Exercise is not only beneficial for my health but also a time for me to clear my mind and reflect on my thoughts.

Family Time and Laughter

Family is at the heart of everything I do. I have three living brothers and my mom. My oldest brother and my father have joined our ancestors. I love spending quality time with my family, sharing laughter, stories, and creating lasting memories. There is nothing more rewarding than being surrounded by loved ones and enjoying the simple pleasures of life together.

Passion for Reading and Writing

My love for reading and writing started at a very young age. My mother often recalls a kindergarten parent-teacher conference where my teacher complained that I never wanted to go outside—I just wanted to read all day. Books have always been my escape, allowing me to immerse myself in different worlds and stories. I love the escape a good book provides and learning new things when I read. Although I write primarily about money, I like to write about other topics under a pseudonym. I also enjoy ghostwriting because I get to learn so many things and write about them. I also get great joy in seeing the young authors I work with feel proud when they realize they have just written a book. The journey is so fulfilling.

Fond Childhood Memories

Some of my fondest childhood memories are from summers spent at my grandparents’ house. My cousins and I would walk a little less than a mile to the library almost daily. We would stay there for hours, and I would get lost in so many books. I loved the escape of it all, to really feel like I was in the world of the book I was reading. Spending time at my grandparents’ house was special because all my cousins were there in the summer too.

Finding Balance

Balancing my professional and personal life is not always easy, but it’s essential for my overall happiness and well-being. I have a self-care jar that I pull from every night, which tells me what I’m going to do to make sure I take care of myself the next day. It took me almost a year to actually keep this routine up, but it’s been incredibly rewarding. These personal interests and activities keep me grounded and energized, allowing me to bring my best self to my work and to those I serve through my books and Kash Kids.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about my personal passions and interests. I hope these insights give you a glimpse into the person behind the professional and inspire you to find joy in your own life’s simple pleasures.

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